Twin River Affirms Early Opening

After all of the warnings about “gambling with casino revenue,” this Providence Journal article would have been very relevant last week:
Twin River beat the odds and will get gamblers to the tables a month earlier than expected.
John Taylor Jr., chairman of Twin River Management Group, said the casino will open on Sept. 1 instead of the previous forecast of an Oct. 1 opening.
“We’re really grateful that the construction teams on the job have really dug in and allowed for this accelerated opening date,” Taylor stated in a press release distributed Thursday morning.
“Much of the exterior work on the casino and hotel is completed. For the casino, we are enclosing spaces and painting, the ceiling grid is being installed and light fixtures and security cameras are also actively being installed. …
The casino work is hidden from view by a buffer of trees. The most visible work is on the round-about where William S. Canning Boulevard intersects with Stafford Road and Hurst Lane.
Tiverton Fact Check reported pretty much the same news last week, but from the angle of state revenue estimates. All projections for opening and revenue are estimates, at this point, but as opening day comes closer and closer, official optimism is increasing, which is generally the opposite of what the public expects from government projects.
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