UPDATED: All-Day K Article Passes House (Still Doesn’t Do What Edwards Said)
Article 6 of the proposed state budget from House Finance passed on the floor of the House unanimously. It will therefore be included if the House passes the entire budget as expected later this evening. Next will be a vote from the Rhode Island Senate, which is typically not a hurdle, followed by the anticipated signature of Governor Gina Raimondo.
As pointed out in this space, previously, article 6 does not appear to add any money to the mix for Tiverton to move forward with full-day kindergarten. Instead, it takes money that the district would have received if it had gone forward with full-day kindergarten and gives it to the district anyway, thus giving the school committee a reason not to implement full-day kindergarten in the 2015-2016 school year.
UPDATE (7:00 p.m. 6/16/15):
In the fastest floor session for a House budget that anybody can remember, the House passed the whole thing. On to the Senate.