Getting Tiverton on Track

Realizing how increasingly difficult it’s becoming to get actual information to people above the noise of the rumor mill and social media, the Tiverton Taxpayers Association (TTA) has started a new weekly podcast called Tiverton on Track. Episodes will be available as they’re released on Buzzsprout, iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, and a variety of other services that you can find via the Buzzsprout page.
So far, we’ve release three episodes.
“The Council’s New Clothes.” This episode conducted by Justin Katz of the TTA and featuring Town Councilors Donna Cook and Nancy Driggs, as well as TTA co-founder Robert Coulter.
- Track 1: An Explanation of the Podcast
- Track 2: Hilton the Usurper
- Track 3: Newbies
- Bonus Track: Letters, Facebook, and Modern Debate
“Dancing on the Sealing.” This episode conducted by Justin Katz of the TTA and featuring Town Councilors Donna Cook and Nancy Driggs.
- Track 1: Autumn Leaves’
- Track 2: Lowering the Sealing
- Track 3: The Union’s Violent Imagery
- Track 4: What Landfill Decision?
“Replacement Council Cancels Public Participation.” This episode conducted by Justin Katz of the TTA and featuring Town Councilors Donna Cook and Nancy Driggs, as well as TTA’s Robert Coulter.
- Track 1: Watch What They Do
- Track 2: Shutting Down Speech
- Track 3: Talking Trash
- Track 4: No Light on Solar
We’re always interested in feedback about other places the podcast should be, topics we should cover, changes we should make, and anything else you think we should consider.