News & Commentary

  • Our ViewPhoto of Town Planner Canaries in Tiverton’s Political Coal Mine

    Town Planner Canaries in Tiverton’s Political Coal Mine

    It was a difficult decision. Despite my skepticism about government planning, I was being asked as a Town Council member to increase the salary range to hire a town planner for Tiverton. I worry that planners spend their time restricting the freedom of residents to make them conform with somebody else’s vision. On the other hand, Tiverton has had severe problems in its land use department and has made some bad policy decisions as a result. Meanwhile, the town administrator repeatedly told us that a good planner would do more to help him do his job than an assistant administrator, and two of the three candidates for the job wanted higher pay. So, do we raise the budgeted $78,000 and give the administrator permission to offer $90,000? A difficult decision. To my right, Town Councilors Denise deMedeiros and Patricia Hilton were getting restless as we talked about it. At one point, deMedeiros said impatiently to Hilton: “They’re going to lose this guy.” Well, we approved the increase… and we lost the top candidate. In fact, none of the candidates wanted the job. Why? The administrator hasn’t said publicly, but at the same time that he was making his offers, political …

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  • Photo of The Hypocrisy of Denise deMedeiros

    The Hypocrisy of Denise deMedeiros

  • Photo of Tiverton Recall Team Damaged the Integrity of our Elections

    Tiverton Recall Team Damaged the Integrity of our Elections

  • Photo of Hilton’s Loud Gavel Hides a Silent Agenda

    Hilton’s Loud Gavel Hides a Silent Agenda


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